dimanche, juin 12, 2016

La honte

Comme si les terroristes, les casseurs et les syndicalistes  ne suffisaient pas, voilà qu'on se retrouve à Marseille , Nice et autres lieux  avec les hooligans anglais et russes. et des scènes de guerilla urbaine qui font le tour de la planète.
Heureusement qu'on est en état d'urgence et que 100 000 forces de l'ordre sont déployées.!

Le foute ne déçoit jamais, toujours plus près de la bière et du coup de poing que des fausses valeurs qu'il entend promouvoir, les seules vrais valeurs qu'il reconnait étant celles du portefeuille.

Tout ça contribue à dramatiquement faire chuter le tourisme, forcément, et pour les Américains qui pensent venir en France, le Département d'Etat n'y va pas avec le dos de la cuillère. Ipsissima Verba.

U.S. citizens should be aware that demonstrations and large events intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational. 
  • You should avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations. 
  • Large public gatherings can affect all major incoming arteries to the city in which they occur. 
  • Demonstrations in one city have the potential to lead to additional public rallies or demonstrations in other locations around the city and country.
Crime:  The majority of crimes directed against foreign visitors, including U.S. citizens, involve pick-pocketing, residential break-ins, bicycle theft, and other forms of theft.  
  • Visitors to congested and popular tourist areas (e.g., museums, monuments, train stations, airports, and subways) should be particularly attentive to their surroundings.
  • Crimes of opportunity are more likely to involve violence on the street late at night or when the victim resists.  
  • Women should exercise extra caution when out alone at night and/or consider traveling out at night with trusted companions.
  • There are high incidences of “smash and grab” robberiesin economically depressed areas or on highly traveled thoroughfares such as roads to and from the airport.  Thieves on foot or motorcycle will approach a vehicle that is stopped in traffic, smash a window, reach into the vehicle to grab a purse or other valuable item, and then flee. Keep doors locked and valuables out of sight.

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